Suppose a computer is stolen or lost, using our services is possible know the history of every connection to the internet made with its IP address, DNS, connection start and end date time, connection duration. This information is vital at the time of rescue lost or stolen laptop computer, due to the fact that the majority of Internet Service Providers (ISP) know the locations of IP they assign. This information provided in time to local police or ISP managers will help to get back the laptop computer in most of the cases.
Capture Computer Thief system, have the main goal of easy, cheap and without additional hardware equipment help to track Laptop computer location, based in the connections made from the computer to the internet. It works installing a simple and free software application in the computer and registering this computer with an account in our web system. All information stored in our web system preserve privacy and one computer data can be displayed for only one user, its owner.
Software installed in computers to track, run invisible to computer users and will send computer location and identification data to our servers. All data received from computers are saved in databases containing computer identification and location information (IP address, dns). Accessing our web system user can view its computers locations records. All stored records preserve computer locations with privacy including data of computers connection, IP address, DNS, connection duration, ...